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Wildfire increases the potential connectivity of runoff and sediment throughout watersheds due to greater bare soil, runoff and erosion as compared to pre-fire conditions. This research examines the connectivity of post-fire runoff and sediment from hillslopes (< 1.5 ha; n = 31) and catchments (< 1000 ha; n = 10) within two watersheds (< 1500 ha) burned by the 2012 High Park Fire in northcentral Colorado, USA. Our objectives were to: (1) identify sources and quantify magnitudes of post-fire runoff and erosion at nested hillslopes and watersheds for two rain storms with varied duration, intensity and antecedent precipitation; and (2) assess the factors affecting the magnitude and connectivity of runoff and sediment across spatial scales for these two rain storms. The two summer storms that are the focus of this research occurred during the third summer after burning. The first storm had low intensity rainfall over 11 hours (return interval <1–2 years), whereas the second event had high intensity rainfall over 1 hour (return interval <1–10 years). The lower intensity storm was preceded by high antecedent rainfall and led to low hillslope sediment yields and channel incision at most locations, whereas the high intensity storm led to infiltration-excess overland flow, high sediment yields, in-stream sediment deposition and channel substrate fining. For both storms, hillslope-to-stream sediment delivery ratios and area-normalised cross-sectional channel change increased with the percent of catchment that burned at high severity. For the high intensity storm, hillslope-to-stream sediment delivery ratios decreased with unconfined channel length (%). The findings quantify post-fire connectivity and sediment delivery from hillslopes and streams, and highlight how different types of storms can cause varying magnitues and spatial patterns of sediment transport and deposition from hillslopes through stream channel networks.  相似文献   
地震预报意见以大量资料为基础,依靠专家经验和多学科知识并通过会商讨论形成。显著地震发生后,快速、准确、有效地研判震情可为后期应急指挥和地震现场工作奠定基础。本文以Datist软件为平台,基于四川及邻区的基础资料,设计研发符合四川震情的震后会商资料快速产出系统,当四川及邻区发生中强地震时,通过该系统可在收到地震短信5分钟内以请求触发的方式快速产出应急会商资料,并以微信、PowerPoint和Word的形式将基础资料发送给分析预报人员,为后期趋势分析奠定基础。  相似文献   
为了探寻发达省份内城市间相互作用的时空特征,该文以浙江省为样本单元,选取2005、2010年和2015年3个时间截面,采用反距离权重法和空间插值手段,从城市流强度视角展开了实证分析。结果表明:(1) 城市间的联系在不断加强,期间城市流强度值随时间的推移而整体得到提升,空间上由初始的“中心点”通过发展扩散向“中心域”转变,中心城市的辐射带动作用开始发挥成效。(2)结构上呈现出相对稳定的北高南低的分布格局,以杭州市为龙头,宁波为副核心,温州、绍兴、舟山为重要节点的多中心城市网络结构雏形初步形成。(3) 城市流强度的空间分异特征分析明显,但分异程度有了些许的改善,侧面说明空间上由初始的“中心点”通过发展扩散向“中心域”转变的基本观点。最后就浙江省如何加强省内城市间“流”的规模性、区域协调性和可持续性展开了讨论。  相似文献   
基于九寨沟MS7.0地震的破裂模型及均匀弹性半空间模型,本文计算了该地震在周围主要活动断层上产生的库仑应力变化、在周围地区产生的应力场和位移场和同震库仑应力变化对余震的触发.结果表明:(1)九寨沟地震造成虎牙断裂中段库仑破裂应力有较大增加,已经超过0.01 MPa的阈值,虎牙断裂北段、塔藏断裂中段和岷江断裂北段北部的库仑破裂应力有较大降低,因此尤其要注意虎牙断裂中段的危险性.(2)水平面应力场在该地震震中东西两侧增加(拉张),张应力起主要作用.在震中南北两侧降低(压缩),压应力起主要作用.从水平主压和主张应力方向来看,均呈现出条形磁铁的磁场形态.从剖面上的应力场来看,在上盘的面膨胀区域内,大部分点的主张应力方向与地表是垂直的,在其他区域内,主张应力和主压应力均以震中为中心,向外呈辐射状.(3)从地表水平位移场来看,震中东西两侧物质朝震中位置汇聚,南北两侧物质向外流出,在震中处的最大水平位移量达43 mm.从地表垂直位移场来看,震中南北两侧出现明显的隆升,隆升最大值达56.8 mm.震中东西两侧出现明显的沉降,沉降最大值达74.5 mm.从剖面的位移场来看,九寨沟地震为左旋走滑地震,且有一定的正断成分.由分析可以推测该断层破裂在大致22~26 km的深度上就截止了.并推测下盘物质运动的动力来自震源北东东方向(四川块体)深度在6~30 km的下盘下层物质,上盘物质运动的动力来自震源北西西方向(巴颜喀拉块体)深度在0~6 km的上盘上层物质.(4)通过计算不同深度上主震对余震的触发作用可知,主震后的最大余震受到了主震的触发作用,多数其他余震也受到主震的触发作用.主震的发生促使了库仑应力增加地区余震的发生,抑制了一部分库仑应力减少地区余震的发生.  相似文献   
太原盆地及周边地区双差层析成像   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
山西断陷带位于鄂尔多斯与华北地块交汇处,是我国著名的历史强震活动带之一,尤其是断陷盆地中部区域,6级以上地震频发.本研究旨在揭示忻定盆地中南部、太原盆地及临汾盆地中北部交汇处的深部结构特征,分析盆地的形成和演化,探讨该区域孕震环境.利用山西地震台网观测数据以及固定地震台站融合流动台站得到的地震数据,共7455个地震事件,采用双差层析成像方法,反演得到了太原盆地及周边地区的三维P波速度结构及精定位结果.层析成像结果显示,忻定盆地、太原盆地的中上地壳为明显的低速异常,被高速的石岭关隆起隔开,深部结构特征相对简单.太原盆地、临汾盆地及灵石隆起之间的深部结构特征较为复杂,反映了两个盆地演化过程的复杂性.穿过忻定盆地的速度剖面显示,在中地壳存在明显的低速异常体,且大部分地震都发生在该低速体上方;穿过太原盆地北部的剖面显示,该区域在20~25 km深度范围内有较密集的地震分布,并勾画出交城断裂呈犁形的断层特征;穿过太原盆地中部的剖面显示,太原盆地自西向东沉积层逐渐减薄;穿过临汾盆地的剖面揭示,汾东断裂在浅部倾角较陡,随深度增加倾角逐渐变小,倾向向东.  相似文献   
中国目前实行的区域地震台网独立运行机制,使得在相邻不同台网的交界地区可能存在多个版本的地震目录和震相观测报告,影响了地震活动性分析与研究.为此,本文提出了一种基于联合概率的方法,可标明两个或多个相邻台网目录中相同的事件,合并它们的震相数据开展重新定位,并重构不同台网交界地区的统一地震目录.该方法的思路与分析步骤是:首先,计算获得不同台网之间具有最小发震时刻差异的两两地震的时空强差异分布,查找并剔除独立地震,计算事件合并的联合概率;其次,基于联合概率分析合并不同台网的地震目录和震相观测报告,对合并事件进行重新定位和定位误差分析,并基于G-R关系检验重构目录的完整性.本文以2014年鲁甸地震序列为例的初步应用结果显示,震相合并之后的地震定位精度相比之前单个台网的结果,特别是相比四川台网的目录,定位精度提高非常显著,合并后的目录与之前相对完整的云南目录接近,但相比由两个台网目录简单拼凑而成的目录更加准确.此外,研究还发现在目录合并过程中,对于4级以上的中强震,应选择MS而不是以ML震级标度;震相合并后被复用台站记录的到时信息可用于检测不同台网间的震相拾取是否存在系统偏差.本文提出的方法使得在相邻不同台网的过渡区形成一个统一且尽可能准确可靠的地震目录成为可能.  相似文献   
In this paper, we give a brief introduction to the proposal and development history of the earthquake magnitude concept. Moment magnitude MW is the best physical quantity for measuring earthquakes. Compared with other magnitude scales used traditionally, moment magnitude is not saturated for all earthquakes, regardless of big and small earthquakes, deep and shallow earthquakes, far field and near field seismic data, geodetic and geological data, moment magnitude can be measured, and can be connected with well-known magnitude scales such as surface wave magnitude MS. Moment magnitude is a uniform magnitude scale, which is suitable for statistics with wide magnitude range. Moment magnitude is the preferred magnitude selected by the International Seismological community, and it is preferred by the departments responsible for publishing seismic information to the public.Moment magnitude is a uniform magnitude scale, which is suitable for statistics with wide magnitude range. Moment magnitude is a preferred magnitude for international seismology, it is preferred by the agency responsible for providing information about earthquakes to the public. We provide all formulas used in the calculation of moment magnitude, and the calculation steps in detail. We also analyzed some problems and rules to solve these problems by using different formulas and numerical value calculation steps.  相似文献   
Earthquake simulation technologies are advancing to the stage of enabling realistic simulations of past earthquakes as well as characterizations of more extreme events, thus holding promise of yielding novel insights and data for earthquake engineering. With the goal of developing confidence in the engineering applications of simulated ground motions, this paper focuses on validation of simulations for response history analysis through comparative assessments of building performance obtained using sets of recorded and simulated motions. Simulated ground motions of past earthquakes, obtained through a larger validation study of the Southern California Earthquake Center Broadband Platform, are used for the case study. Two tall buildings, a 20‐story concrete frame and a 42‐story concrete core wall building, are analyzed under comparable sets of simulated and recorded motions at increasing levels of ground motion intensity, up to structural collapse, to check for statistically significant differences between the responses to simulated and recorded motions. Spectral shape and significant duration are explicitly considered when selecting ground motions. Considered demands include story drift ratios, floor accelerations, and collapse response. These comparisons not only yield similar results in most cases but also reveal instances where certain simulated ground motions can result in biased responses. The source of bias is traced to differences in correlations of spectral values in some of the stochastic ground motion simulations. When the differences in correlations are removed, simulated and recorded motions yield comparable results. This study highlights the utility of physics‐based simulations, and particularly the Southern California Earthquake Center Broadband Platform as a useful tool for engineering applications.  相似文献   
This paper expounds the features of the buildings and analyzes the seismic disaster characteristics of the Jiuzhaigou M_S7. 0 earthquake in the area between Songpan and Jiuzhaigou. New buildings (especially the frame structure) had good anti-seismic performance,but brick-wood structures and brick-concrete structures sustained large amounts of damage in the earthquake. By computing the seismic damage index,we found that the seismic damage index of the frame structure was far less than that of civil structures and brick-wood structures. The seismic damage index of frame structures were all zero in the Ⅵ area,and increased rapidly with the increase of intensity,but the increasing range was reduced. We also discussed how to evaluate the intensity in areas where there was a lack of buildings or there was only one structure type,which can be referenced in future field work.  相似文献   
针对"房桥合一"铁路客站节点数多、空间相互作用显著等特点,利用沿结构整体坐标系方向功率谱的表达式和合理谱强度因子的确定方法,提出能合理考虑地震激励输入角度变化的快速多维虚拟激励法,并以天津西站Ⅱ区作为工程案例,对利用快速多维虚拟激励法、时程响应分析法和已有虚拟激励法的计算结果进行比较。结果表明:三种算法的计算结果吻合较好,证明快速多维虚拟激励法的计算值是合理的;且与已有虚拟激励法相比、快速多维虚拟激励法的计算效率显著提高,更适合于"房桥合一"铁路客站的抗震计算。  相似文献   
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